Are you having trouble making payments on any other assets, such as a boat or your car?
Are you trying to get rid of an asset because your payments started to exceed your budget or the value of the asset?
Do you want to keep your asset but can't figure out how to do that without having to make your monthly payments?
Have you hit a "rough patch" and need a quick solution to your mounting debt?
This is not unusual, and you're not alone. For many reasons, people want to get out from under their ongoing and heavy debt, even if temporarily.
HSD has used creative finance strategies in the housing industry for over 20 years that can apply to other assets that are "upside-down" (i.e., the loan amount exceeds the value of the asset) or assets that are no longer easy to keep. We're here to listen to your specific circumstances and work with you to create a solution that works to ease your mind, reduce your stress, and leverage the asset in a way that frees you up from making your monthly payments for months, years, or forever.
Once we assess the value of your asset and your finance/loan agreement, we will determine the best options for you to consider. Your asset must meet certain criteria in order for us to assume your payments, but you can leave it "as is" without the worry of repairs typically needed to sell in today's market.
If you're a boat owner, imagine being free from the additional costs of storing, maintaining, and repairing your boat. We know the bills keep coming even if the boat is not being used.
Why continue to make payments on an asset that is upside down? At some point you have to ask yourself and honestly evaluate what is more important to you at the moment, your credit score or your money? Not always easy to answer, but when you're faced with tough decisions, HSD can help you evaluate your options.
Call NOW for your FREE 15-minute consultation!
Let's discuss how you think we can help you get out from under debt and the financial responsibilities attached to your boat, car, or any other asset that's upside-down.
Different assets, same strategies, best outcomes...every time!